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доп.информация:dtc_коды_коды_ошибок [2024/06/12 10:27] – удалено - внешнее изменение (Дата неизвестна)доп.информация:dtc_коды_коды_ошибок [2024/06/12 10:28] (текущий) admin
Строка 1: Строка 1:
 +====== Расшифровка кодов DTC  двигателя======
 +^ Код     ^ Описание         ^
 +|P0201 33 | Injection valve, rear cylinder Malfunction Stalls | 
 +| P0202 34 | Injection valve, front cylinder Malfunction Stalls |
 +| P0351 37 | Ignition coil, rear cylinder Malfunction Stalls |
 +| Р0З52 38 | Ignition coil, front cylinder Malfunction Stalls |
 +| Р0З35 02 | Pick up Malfunction Stalls |
 +|P0032 45 | Lambda probe heater Short circuit to positive Continues to run |
 +| P0031 45 | Lambda probe heater Kurzschluß nach Masse Continues to run |
 +|P0130 17 | Lambda probe, rear cylinder Malfunction Continues to run|
 +|P0052 46 | Lambda probe heater, front cylinder Short circuit to positive Continues to run|
 +| P0051 46 | Lambda probe heater, front cylinder Short circuit to ground Continues to run| 
 +|P0150 18 | Lambda probe heater, front cylinder Malfunction Continues to run| 
 +| P0122 06 | Throttle position sensor Output signal too low (interruption) Continues to run| 
 +| P0123 06 | Throttle position sensor Output signal too high (short circuit) Continues to run| 
 +|P0107 09 | Manifold air pressure sensor, rear cylinder Output signal too low (interruption) Continues to run|
 +|P0108 09 | Manifold air pressure sensor, rear cylinder Output signal too high (short circuit) Continues to run|
 +|P1106 68 |Manifold air pressure sensor, rear cylinder Hose pulled off/defective, no vacuum Continues to run|
 +|P1687 11 | Manifold air pressure sensor, front cylinder Output signal too low (interruption) Continues to run |
 +|P1688 11 |Manifold air pressure sensor, front cylinder Output signal too high (short circuit) Continues to run|
 +|P1105 69 |Manifold air pressure sensor, front cylinder Hose pulled off/defective, no vacuum Continues to run|
 +|P1107 14 | Ambient air pressure sensor Output signal too low (interruption) Continues to run|
 +|P1108 14 | Ambient air pressure sensor Output signal too high (short circuit) Continues to run|
 +|P0112 13 |Air temperature sensor Output signal too low (interruption) Continues to run|
 +|P0113 13 |Air temperature sensor Output signal too high (short circuit) Continues to run|
 +|P0117 12 |Coolant temperature sensor Output signal too low (interruption) Continues to run|
 +|P0118 12 | Coolant temperature sensor Output signal too high (short circuit) Continues to run| 
 +|P1232 41 |Fuel pump relay Short circuit to positive Stalls |
 +|P1231 41|Fuel pump relay Short circuit to ground Stalls|
 +|P0413 54 |Secondary air valve Short circuit to positive Continues to run|
 +|P0414 54 | Secondary air valve Short circuit to ground or interruption Continues to run|
 +|P0222 07 |Sensor for 2nd throttle valve Output signal too low (interruption) Continues to run|
 +|P0223 07 |Sensor for 2nd throttle valve Output signal too high (short circuit) Continues to run|
 +|P0638 72 |Stepper motor for 2nd throttle valve Malfunction Continues to run|
 +|P0505 49 |Idle speed control motor Malfunction Continues to run|
 +|P1631 15 | Roll angle sensor Output signal too low (interruption) Continues to run|
 +|P1632 15 |Roll angle sensor Output signal too high (short circuit) Continues to run|
 +|P0560 24 |Control unit voltage supply Malfunction Continues to run|
 +|P1590 25|Side stand switch Output signal too low (short circuit to ground) Continues to run|
 +|P0603 65 |EEPROM error Malfunction Continues to run|